Monday, May 31, 2010

The Constant

Posted by Jay at 3:22 AM 0 comments
It's going to be a Lost filled day so be warned. The Constant is the name of a Lost episode from Season 4. The losties were jumping from one time period to another. But for Desmond, only his consciousness was jumping. After meeting Daniel Faraday in the past, a fellow lostie, Desmond found that he needed to find his constant. Someone to ground him and attach himself to; a constant. No matter what year he was, he would always have this person to center him. For Desmond, it is the love of his life; Penny.

Have you ever thought of your constant? I have. As I've mentioned previously, it has been a really trying week emotionally. *Jordan, my ex, is getting married. Not in a few years or months but next few weeks. It has brought all kinds of emotions that I had lied to myself were long gone. Jordan is my constant. When my father disappointed me, Jordan called from the other corner of the world to talk me to sleep. When I encountered challenges at work, Jordan comforted me and eased my fears. I've lost my constant. May be that is why I feel lost.  

In the world of television, past Desmond convinces past Penny to keep her number the same for he will call her on Christmas at a future date. Penny is very skeptical. But she loves him and lo and behold, future Penny picks up the phone when future Desmond calls from the island. Happy and clean endings are scenarios meant for the imaginary world of television. In real life, Jordan is gone; future me writes this so as to squash the urge to call Jordan's number. My constant is gone. I'm lost. It's time I find my way home.

*Names have been changed to protect identity.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Janet, Please Go On Tour?!

Posted by Jay at 4:24 PM 0 comments
Me, Number 1 Janet Jackson fan. However, my attending a Janet Jackson concert has proved to be as elusive as Boone getting of the island. (That's a character from Lost for those living under a rock). The last time I had tickets for a Janet Jackson concert, I even won backstage passes. I broke out into my happy dance in my cubicle. No, you do not want to witness the Happy Dance. But alas, it was not to be. Janet canceled and I was heartbroken again.

Janet, if you are reading this, please go on tour again? I saw you on the American Idol finale. You rock! Forget a new album; go on a nostalgia tour! You look awesome! Sis, what do you think?

Gary Coleman Dies

Posted by Jay at 3:25 PM 0 comments

Perhaps known best as Arnold, the "Whatchu talking about Willis?!" child actor on Diff'rent Strokes, Gary Coleman has succumbed to intercranial hemorrhage suffered after a fall. Gary Coleman was 42. Share your favorite moments below.

On another note, is there really a Diff'rent Strokes curse. Dana Plato has died, her son committed suicide earlier this month, now Gary Coleman. Such a sad day. May he rest in peace! 

Who's Right?

Posted by Jay at 3:10 PM 0 comments
I have been bored this week; cooped up indoors apart from physical therapy sessions. It has also been a very trying week emotionally. Today I decided to venture outdoors. Destination: Movies. Film: Just Wright.
I have wanted to go watch this film for some time but was finally up for it this week. The film stars Queen Latifah as Physical Therapist Leslie Wright and Common as New Jersey Nets Player Scott McKnight. This movie interested me because 1; Common is FOINE! 2; Scott McKnight is attracted to who Leslie is and never sees her size. 3; Common is FOINE! That has been my one hang-up. No, not Common’s beauty but weight in relationships. Every year for my birthday I ask my sister to gift me $5,000 for liposuction. The wonderful person that she is always says an emphatic “NO” thank God! I miss my small self from back when I danced with my University Dance Team. I always believed that the less I weighed meant I got asked out more. But rarely did these connections go past looks. The older I got, the more I valued personality over great looks. Yes, we all have a type. But I have noticed that a beautiful being inside can make a person beautiful on the outside. A connection can be had with a regular Joe who doesn’t fit your picture of the ideal man. All you need to do is take time to know them. That’s what Scott did.

Scott initially pushed aside his attraction to Leslie after he meets her God-Sister Morgan played by Paula Patton. Morgan is gorgeous on the outside but has some deep issues thus is only looking out for herself and the man who can provide her with a better life. Their courtship is fast and when things go south for Scott, Morgan is quick to hightail it out of there. But Leslie has always been there for Scott; before and during Scott’s trying times. Scott takes time to know Leslie. But if Leslie is so wonderful, why is she single? I have been asked this question many times. But Leslie’s answer is exactly what I used to say. “I’m looking for the one I can’t live without.” I used to want this until I met the one I couldn’t live without. It was wonderful until I realized there was someone else he couldn’t live without. That’s when I realized that although I loved him and couldn’t imagine life without him; I needed him to feel like his world was over without me. My friend *Isabel’s sister *Dana told me that you should marry a man who loves you more than you love him. That’s Just Wright for me.
*Names have been change to protect identity

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Who Do You Attract?

Posted by Jay at 12:32 PM 0 comments
I had an early morning physical therapy appointment. But since it coincided with the time when I usually chat with my mom, I decided to give her a call as I walked to the subway. As I walked out of my apartment talking to my mother, a green station wagon slowed as it passed me by. An elderly man, probably in his 80s, honked his car

"Dynamite! You look good!"

I was flabbergasted. As I replayed this scene to my mother over the phone, she could not contain her laughter. She also could not resist warning me to be careful crossing the streets lest I get ran over. I am perturbed. You see, I get hit on, A LOT, by older men; bus drivers, random guy in the subway and so forth. I have fractured a toe running away from a bus driver who insisted to hug me in front of coworkers. What is it about me that attracts older guys? What is it about my friend *Jane and *Kate that attracts younger men to them? I have asked a male friend this question but he had no response for me. Sis, what do you think?

*Names have been changed to protect identity

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Is Alicia Keys Pregnant?

Posted by Jay at 10:52 AM 3 comments
I hadn't received a call from my sister in a while. Usually I'm the one to call so it was a pleasant surprise to see her number pop up on my caller id. The conversation went something like this:

Hey, what's up?
Please tell me Alicia Keys is not pregnant.
Geez, hello to you too.
No, seriously. I'm watching her UK performance and she so looks pregnant! How can she seriously have a child with that Swizz Beatz?!
I know right?! She's carrying a gut full of human.
That's not funny sis; I really hate that bossip phrase.
But it's funny! Yeah, how can she possibly be serious about having a baby with a man whose divorce is not yet final.
No, how can she have a child with a guy who has so many baby mamas!
I think he only has two. One before his current wife.
I know...But then again, she could be thinking that even if the relationship doesn't work out, she's got money in the bank...get it?
You just had to insert a Swizz Beatz song, didn't you?
I know I can't help it.

After I hung up the phone, I couldn't help but think further on this topic. We are seeing a lot of celebrity women having kids outside of marriage. Some with some questionable men. I've wondered many times what I would do if I was to become pregnant now. My foot is firmly planted in the corporate world and in adult life. However, the one argument that I have against having kids right now, apart from the fact that there's no man, is that I don't have the money. I just can't afford kids right now; man or no man. But if my bank account looked anything like A. Keys or even Lauren London, would I have a child just because I want one and I can care for the child financially? What about a constant male figure/influence in my child's life? This responsibility can not be left to my brother, uncles or male cousins. I know how it feels to have a father but not a dad. This is not an emotion I would want my child to ever feel. Sis, thoughts?

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Baba baba babam, ba babam ba babam ba bababam bam

Posted by Jay at 5:13 PM 1 comments
I am ashamed to say this but, my sister introduced me to my new favorite song. I cannot get enough of this song. How did it start? She kept saying "Have you not heard this song?" Then would sing "Baba baba babam, ba babam ba babam ba bababam bam" over and over and over again. How is anyone supposed to know what she's singing? This reminds me of my friend *Tiffany. She kept asking a friend of mine who deejays if he could play a song for her. She didn't know the name or the singer but all she knew was "Na na na na na". Mind you, it wasn't even in tune. I wish I had a clip of this. Do you know which songs I'm talking about?

Why is Big Boi's (of Outkast fame) debut album not out yet? Why oh why? With a title like Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty, how can you not be curious about this. Shutterbug really stands out to me. "Royal Flush" was eeh, "Something's gotta give" was hhhmm. But after hearing "Shutterbug", I cannot wait to hear more. Boi stop! Thanks sis.

As for Tiffany's request, tell me how you could possible know she was referring to the below.

*Name has been changed to protect identity.

Is It a Wonderful Afterlife?

Posted by Jay at 4:01 PM 0 comments
I love Gurinder Chadha films. She of the Bend it Like Beckham and Bride and Prejudice fame. It was therefore a no brainer that I had to watch her latest film, "It's A Wonderful Afterlife". What's the film about?

In short, Indian parents and their quest to marry their children. Something that I'm familiar with since some of closest friends are Indian. In this case, we have Roopi. She's a regular girl, doing great work and not in a rush to marry. But her mother, will not rest (in more ways than one) until Roopi marries. I see how great Roopi is but to her suitors parents, they only see her as fat and unattractive. This really hurts her mother (and me!). So as not to give the story away, I'll get to a thought I had. I know that that there's a huge pressure for my Indian girlfriends to be married. One is in her mid-twenties but she's already considered an old maid. I find her beautiful externally and internally.

Like Roopi, my girlfriend loves her job, she is independent yet respects traditional customs and her parents wishes. But how do reconcile your independent self with an arranged marriage? Especially one where you do not have the luxury to date for a year or two before marriage. Is this why Roopi has a hard time when she meets her potential husband? Although time was of the essence for Roopi, a fact she was not aware of until the end, she was able to date her guy for sometime. Is this better for the couple? On a last note, although Roopi's weight was an issue to seemingly everyone (mind you, she didn't look bigger than a size 12), her eventual boyfriend, played by the HAWT Sendhil Ramamurthy of Heroes, did not even seem to notice. This only seems to happen in the movies but I digress. Sis?

Greys, You are now the candidate for live viewing!

Posted by Jay at 3:08 PM 2 comments
Wow, now that was exciting. Ok, so if you haven't watched the season finale of Grey's Anatomy, SPOILERS.....YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.....

So, Meredith=pregnant, couple of Mercy-Westers=dead, Owen and Derek=shot. Shonda Rhimes and her writers sure kept me on the edge of my sit with this one. But this is not a review of the show. One scene got me thinking. Mandy Moore was tonight's guest star. She and Dr. Bailey (so glad they no longer call her the Nazi) managed not to get shot after she played dead and Dr. Bailey lied by saying she was a nurse when the shooter asked if she was a surgeon. For someone who is so proud of her job and her abilities, I would have thought she would not make any apologies for who she is. But when the she was facing the gun, I felt like Dr. Bailey remember her son, and showed that she's human just like the rest of us. I know I would lie if it meant keeping me alive. It's not cowardly or a sign of weakness; it's smart.

As Dr. Bailey finally told Dr. Percy that he won't survive the gunshot wound, he asks her to tell Reed (a fellow Mercy-Wester) that he loves her. They had been friends for a long, he always had a crush on her and he didn't want to die without her knowing. Mary (Mandy Moore) then says, "she knows, girls always know." Do we? In my experience, I have been blindsided twice when I found out a friend had feelings for me. I had no clue and just stood paralyzed for a few minutes. But for the one friend that I knew had feelings for me, I felt guilty. He is such a great guy but I didn't feel the same way. So why guilt. I wonder how Reed would react when she finds out. Then again, we'll never know. Reed was the first casualty of the night.

One thing I am happy about is that FINALLY Meredith truly knows Derek is her guy. She wants to be with him forever and have babies who have his hair. There's no need to be afraid of intimacy and family anymore. If someone as screwed up as Meredith (come one, you know she is), can embrace this, no reason why I can't. Sis, thoughts?


Posted by Jay at 3:01 PM 0 comments
Hello all. Hope you'll stick around with me as I share several entertainment related conversations that I have from time to time with my sister. This is just an outlet for my passion of having to know everything movie, film, tv and music related. I won't limit myself to US news. I love Korean, Japanese and British entertainment too. Welcome!

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