Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Monster: I won't Front, I'm Still an Original Eminem Stan

Posted by Jay at 9:01 PM
My brother and I had a disagreement today: Yes, I do converse with my brother. It was a very surprising disagreement since we both Stan for Eminem. Rap God was so

for both of us so I thought our feelings would me mutual regarding "The Monster" featuring Rihanna

Here's a snippet of our texts today.

Me: Have you heard Em and Rihanna's "The Monster"? Next week is so far away

Bro: No, I haven't actually. Another download I'm looking forward to Lol! This should be fun

Me: Yes! I really enjoyed it. Definitely another #1 hit

Bro: I'm saving it for later tonight when I can listen to it sans distractions. I'm hoping it's not another "Love The Way You Lie" type deal

Let me interrupt to say I should have foreseen this but I couldn't imagine his response once he had a listen

Bro: I really like the content but that beat is killing me. At points it sounds too poppy but the melody works really well

Me: Well that's not fair! I for one really love it. I'm glad it's more upbeat that their last collabo. He needs a poppy track for Hot 100. Something to get the masses on board. Otherwise, I think he'll stick to his (usual) rap songs

Bro: I figured this was that one radio single track but it's more about the fact that this is to be on the Marshall Mathers LP sequel. The original is raw and his single for the masses was really big in the charts but still didn't sacrifice too much on the hip hop sound. The beat is real smooth but I dislike that techno pop sound that seems to be in a whole lot of rap and R&B nowadays.

Me: You make an excellent point. I too can't stand it (techno beats infiltrating rap and r&b). Either Em is trying to recreate the magic they had or he's trying to go with what's hot right now. I always thought he was one of those rappers who spit so well that he doesn't have to spit to what's hot right now.

I had to pause and think about this. While I was thinking, flashes of rappers who have been in the game 10+ years and still rapping successfully flashed through my mind. Admittedly, those who've lasted have stayed true to their style. What do you think?


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