Monday, July 5, 2010

4th of July Weekend

Posted by Jay at 1:24 PM
The best thing about the 4th of July weeked is not the barbecues, fireworks or the long weekend, it's the tv marathons! Hey, I did say that I'm a tvholic. So, after partaking in housewarming parties and birthday parties, I spent Sunday glued to the tv alternating between 48 hours on ID and the NCIS marathon on USA network. Today, it's Cheaters on the G4 channel. I LOVE Cheaters! Kind of ironic that I'm watching this before a first date tonight but I digress. It's amazing the things people say after being confronted for cheating.

On the other spectrum of this, WE channel is having a wedding marathon. I landed on an episode of Bridezillas; Where are they now? Thank you WE for answering my question. I have always been curious to know whether some of these very disfunctional relationships lasted after the wedding. Lo and behold, most did. Further, the bridezillas always thought they were not as bad as they were portrayed. Yeah, ok, uh huh, *side-eye* Happy 4th everyone!


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