Friday, July 16, 2010

Black, Beautiful, and Bootiful

Posted by Jay at 6:09 PM
Recently, I was watching an old episode of NCIS. There was a swimsuit contest happening on the beach. A white girl was introduced and she strutted her stuff to the cheer of all the men. Next, a black girl strutted her stuff with the same amount of cheer but something was evidently different. You see, for the white girl, you got to see her butt in her bikini. But, for the black girl, the camera wouldn't span down.

Today I received my victoria secrets coupon in the mail. It then dawned on me that none of the black girls with ample booty were pictured from behind. Why is this. Is there something wrong with having nice backside? I couldn't understand why there was different treatment for the two actresses; they weren't even billed! Is it an FCC thing? Someone help me out here.


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