Monday, July 19, 2010

Inception: Insert comprehension here.

Posted by Jay at 6:15 PM
Have you watched Inception? I have. Did you like it? I loved it! Did you understand it? I think I did...sorta... First, SPOILER ALERT!!!! You see, Inception is super cool! Yes, I don't know how else to describe it but super cool. It was so much fun yet not just a blow-anything-up kind of summer movie with no brain *side-eye Transformers 1&2*. The special effects had me wondering "how did they do that?!" That ending however had me questioning everything that I had thought I understood about the story line. The first thing that raised a red-flag to me was the fact that Cobb got to go home and see his kids after a long time away. But when we see the kids, they are still wearing the same clothes as they did the last time he saw them. To top it off, they haven't aged one bit! I thought it had been years since his wife had died. Also, that top didn't stop spinning. I remember Cobb mentioning that if it toppled over, then you knew you were back in the real world and not in dream land or some third level of subconsciousness. But do I really want to know what it all meant? Kind of. Does it take away from the whole movie? Not a bloody bit!

I highly recommend you go watch this film.


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