Saturday, May 22, 2010

Baba baba babam, ba babam ba babam ba bababam bam

Posted by Jay at 5:13 PM
I am ashamed to say this but, my sister introduced me to my new favorite song. I cannot get enough of this song. How did it start? She kept saying "Have you not heard this song?" Then would sing "Baba baba babam, ba babam ba babam ba bababam bam" over and over and over again. How is anyone supposed to know what she's singing? This reminds me of my friend *Tiffany. She kept asking a friend of mine who deejays if he could play a song for her. She didn't know the name or the singer but all she knew was "Na na na na na". Mind you, it wasn't even in tune. I wish I had a clip of this. Do you know which songs I'm talking about?

Why is Big Boi's (of Outkast fame) debut album not out yet? Why oh why? With a title like Sir Lucious Left Foot: The Son of Chico Dusty, how can you not be curious about this. Shutterbug really stands out to me. "Royal Flush" was eeh, "Something's gotta give" was hhhmm. But after hearing "Shutterbug", I cannot wait to hear more. Boi stop! Thanks sis.

As for Tiffany's request, tell me how you could possible know she was referring to the below.

*Name has been changed to protect identity.


Steph & Darla Louis on May 29, 2010 at 6:21 PM said...


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