Saturday, May 22, 2010

Greys, You are now the candidate for live viewing!

Posted by Jay at 3:08 PM
Wow, now that was exciting. Ok, so if you haven't watched the season finale of Grey's Anatomy, SPOILERS.....YOU'VE BEEN WARNED.....

So, Meredith=pregnant, couple of Mercy-Westers=dead, Owen and Derek=shot. Shonda Rhimes and her writers sure kept me on the edge of my sit with this one. But this is not a review of the show. One scene got me thinking. Mandy Moore was tonight's guest star. She and Dr. Bailey (so glad they no longer call her the Nazi) managed not to get shot after she played dead and Dr. Bailey lied by saying she was a nurse when the shooter asked if she was a surgeon. For someone who is so proud of her job and her abilities, I would have thought she would not make any apologies for who she is. But when the she was facing the gun, I felt like Dr. Bailey remember her son, and showed that she's human just like the rest of us. I know I would lie if it meant keeping me alive. It's not cowardly or a sign of weakness; it's smart.

As Dr. Bailey finally told Dr. Percy that he won't survive the gunshot wound, he asks her to tell Reed (a fellow Mercy-Wester) that he loves her. They had been friends for a long, he always had a crush on her and he didn't want to die without her knowing. Mary (Mandy Moore) then says, "she knows, girls always know." Do we? In my experience, I have been blindsided twice when I found out a friend had feelings for me. I had no clue and just stood paralyzed for a few minutes. But for the one friend that I knew had feelings for me, I felt guilty. He is such a great guy but I didn't feel the same way. So why guilt. I wonder how Reed would react when she finds out. Then again, we'll never know. Reed was the first casualty of the night.

One thing I am happy about is that FINALLY Meredith truly knows Derek is her guy. She wants to be with him forever and have babies who have his hair. There's no need to be afraid of intimacy and family anymore. If someone as screwed up as Meredith (come one, you know she is), can embrace this, no reason why I can't. Sis, thoughts?


Kesha said...

This was an awesome episode but y do finales always have to be so dramatic?! lol I was literally shaking watching this episode, so much was going on. I am also glad Meredith truly appreciates her guy! My favorite part in this episode was when Christina was operating on Derek & the shooter came in to order her to stop but the intern faked Derek's death so he could leave & Christina could continue & save his life! But its funny how we are forced to go to the darkest place before we realize what we have.

Steph & Darla Louis on May 29, 2010 at 6:19 PM said...

I liked that they had Bailey lie about not being a surgeon given how proud she is of her career. There are much more important things in life than what we do in our jobs. It was nice to see that she portrays a rounded life.

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