Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Ludacris Summer Jam 2010

Posted by Jay at 3:52 PM
Have you ever lost your mind? Has your family member looked at you and wonder who you are? Well, that is how my brother felt when he saw my reaction to Ludacris coming on stage. Don't get me wrong, he's a fan too, but at that moment, I was one brain particle away from becoming a Luda groupie. Ludacris is animated, full of energy and super FOINE! Short, but FOINE! He performed each and every song I could possibly think of. The excitement reached fever pitch when her performed Move B**ch; the poor girl sitting behind me got her face scratched by my flailing arms. I was PUMPED!

After all this, you'd think I wouldn't have a gripe but of course I do! First, Taio Cruz, as much as I like British artists his inclusion in Ludacris' set was rather random. Yes, I know, Luda spits on the hit Break Your Heart but shouldn't it have been the other way round? My last gripe may not even be Luda's fault but his set ended so abruptly! I had to ask "is that it?"

Each and every moment that Luda opened his mouth.


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