Thursday, June 17, 2010

Oprah, May I Work For You? Pretty Please?!

Posted by Jay at 10:18 AM
Oprah has to be the world's nicest employer. If there's another one, then this post dedicated to you too! Yesterday I read news that for O magazine's 10th anniversary, Oprah gave her employees $10,000 each plus an iPad. What caught my eye is the $10,000. $10 freaking THOUSAND people!! What I would give to be handed that kind of money for years of service. What would you do? Well, here's what I would do:

  1. Pay my brother's fall term tuition.
  2. If I had anything left, I would go on vacation to Bali; my dream destination.
  3. Plus, because I really need it, a smartphone that I can use to update this blog during my work breaks.
But alas, that is not my life. In fact if I'm to be honest, the entire sum would go towards my brother's education. That's where my measly bonus has gone every year so far. But even without the bonus, and the iPad, I would just want to work for a nice boss; even if it is not Oprah. I hope the universe is listening.


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