Friday, June 11, 2010

Sex and Abu Dhabi

Posted by Jay at 10:54 AM
I finally got around to watching Sex and The City 2. I had heard it sucked but I love SATC. There are only two series I own on dvd; SATC and Coupling. So as you can imagine, I was really looking forward to watching this film. Boy was I disappointed. I understand that the show was primarily about the girls but shouldn't the men have featured more? The movie left a particularly bad taste in my mouth when I saw how the Nigerians were portrayed. Sis, you were right, total buffoonery! Might as well have been a minstrel show. I can also see Muslim taking offense to this film. Charlotte says some real stupid things sometimes. One prime example is her introducing herself in Abu Dhabi as Charlotte York and not Goldenblatt. Really, because you are Jewish?!

I came out of the theatre feeling the following:
  1. I in my lifetime will never fly first class to Asia or Africa. I won't afford a $22,000 per night hotel and have my own servant while on vacation. A month ago I had checked how much it would cost me to fly to Tanzania first class; get the fuck out of here! it's not happening. London, when I have $5K to spare. I would love to experience one day with no care about money; where it's coming from and where it will be spent.
  2. I see why Liza Minelli is a gay icon.
  3. Movies have been killed by their sequels. This is particularly true with horror films and The Godfather III. SATC should have just remained at one and I would have left the building singing "I am woman, hear me roar!"


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